
10 Million People Die from Cancer Annually: World Cancer Day Reminder

World Cancer Day highlights the importance of raising awareness and taking action to prevent and treat cancer. On February 4th of every year, the global community comes together to acknowledge the impact of cancer and strive towards a future where this disease no longer poses a threat to our health.

In Turkey, the President of the Turkish Cancer Research Council, Prof. Dr. Tezer Kutluk, emphasized the crucial steps that need to be taken in the fight against cancer. He highlighted the need for increased screenings for breast and colon cancer, the inclusion of the HPV vaccine in the national calendar, and the importance of supporting cancer research.

Breast and colon cancer are among the most prevalent types of cancer, and early detection through screenings can significantly improve the chances of successful treatment. By increasing access to these screenings, more individuals can be diagnosed at an early stage, leading to better outcomes.

Furthermore, the inclusion of the HPV vaccine in the national calendar can help prevent certain types of cancer, such as cervical cancer, which is caused by the human papillomavirus. Vaccination programs play a critical role in reducing the incidence of HPV-related cancers and protecting public health.

Supporting cancer research is also vital in the development of innovative treatments and the advancement of scientific knowledge about the disease. By investing in research, new therapies and approaches to cancer treatment can be discovered, ultimately leading to improved survival rates and quality of life for cancer patients.

As we observe World Cancer Day, let us heed the call to action from experts like Prof. Dr. Tezer Kutluk and work towards a future where cancer is no longer a leading cause of morbidity and mortality. Through increased screenings, vaccination, and research support, we can make great strides in the fight against cancer and bring hope to millions of people affected by this disease.


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