
Akşener admits falling into trap, demands change

Meral Akşener asks for votes during visits to Ankara districts

Meral Akşener, the leader of the İYİ Party, visited tradesmen in the Çubuk and Pursaklar districts of Ankara to ask for votes for mayoral candidates Korhan Merki and Zekeriya Ersarı. During her visits, Akşener chatted with the tradesmen, listened to their complaints, and emphasized the importance of their role in creating employment and selling local products.

When a citizen asked about her stance on the PKK and DEM, Akşener replied that they are independent and enter politics alone. She stressed that her focus during her visits to various shops over the past three years has been on drawing attention to the concerns and needs of the people, without using these visits as a platform to gain votes for her party.

Akşener reminded the public that politics should not result in violence and conflict, emphasizing the importance of civil discourse and respect for differing opinions. She acknowledged that the upcoming elections have prompted all political parties to seek votes, but assured the shop owners that their voices and needs are the priority.

Overall, Akşener’s visits to Ankara districts showcased her commitment to engaging with the local community and addressing their concerns, highlighting the importance of grassroots connections in politics.



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