
Akşener vows to solve the issue of SMA – Last Minute Turkey News

IYI Party Leader Meral Akşener made an appearance at a rally in Trabzon Atatürk Field, where she stressed that the language used during the election should remain peaceful and respectful. Akşener urged voters to choose the candidate based on their past accomplishments and potential to serve, emphasizing that the election is a feast of the electorate. If elected, Akşener promised to appoint 100,000 teachers and open 11,000 village schools, while also pledging to pay SSK or BAĞKUR premiums for young people in the age group of 18-26 who work in agriculture. She added that Turkey is suffering from babies diagnosed with SMA, and that she promises to find a solution to the problem as a mother and grandmother.

Additionally, Ankara Metropolitan Mayor Mansur Yavaş criticized the People’s Alliance and denied accusations of collaborating with terrorism, stating that he has been a Turkish nationalist for forty years. Meanwhile, Ekrem İmamoğlu, the Mayor of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, expressed his happiness to be in his hometown of Trabzon and highlighted the clarity of the Nation’s Alliance, which consists of six parties and aims to establish a government.

At the end of the rally, Akşener, İmamoğlu, and Yavaş greeted their supporters alongside the Trabzon deputy candidates of the Nation’s Alliance parties. Moving forward, they will continue to act in accordance with the principle of continuity in the state and strive towards unity and integrity as a nation.



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