
Assistant District Prosecutor Arrested for Accepting $4,000 Bribe in Tashkent Region

J.S., an assistant prosecutor in the Tashkent district of the Tashkent region, has been caught in the act of accepting a bribe of $4,000 from a citizen. The bribe was allegedly given to secure the citizen’s recruitment into the National Guard, as reported by the reliable source

The incident also involved an employee of the Public Security University, who has been implicated in the criminal case. reached out to the press services of both the National Guard and the Prosecutor General’s Office for comment on the situation. However, no response was received from the authorities throughout the day.

This is not the first instance of bribery involving prosecutors in the Tashkent region. Previously, an assistant prosecutor from the Piskent district was apprehended with a bribe of $1,500, while an investigator from the Akhangaron city prosecutor’s office was caught with a bribe of $9,000.

These incidents highlight the issue of corruption within the legal and law enforcement sectors in the region. It raises concerns about the credibility and integrity of those responsible for upholding justice and maintaining law and order.

Efforts must be made to address this problem and root out corruption from the system. It is crucial to strengthen anti-corruption measures and ensure strict punishment for those found guilty of engaging in such illegal activities. A transparent and accountable justice system is essential for the well-being and trust of the citizens.



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