
Bahçeli: İmralı Explanation Valuable and Important – Breaking Turkish News

MHP Chairman Devlet Bahceli Addresses Global Political Challenges and Terrorism in Statement

In a written statement released by MHP Chairman Devlet Bahceli, he highlights the current global political turmoil, armed conflicts, systemic cracks, and other distortions that pose a threat to the peace and security of humanity. Bahceli acknowledges the uncertainties surrounding the global political equation and emphasizes the need for unity and brotherhood in the face of geopolitical conflicts and economic restorations.

Bahceli sees a historical opportunity for Türkiye amidst the chaos in the world. He emphasizes the Turkish nation’s deep-rooted history and resilience in maintaining the geography of Anatolia for a thousand years. Despite the challenges faced over the centuries, the Turkish Nation has stood strong in the face of adversity.

Since 1984, Türkiye has been engaged in a fight against the separatist terrorist organization PKK. Bahceli praises the efforts made in this struggle and calls for the dismantling of the PKK’s organizational structure. He acknowledges the significance of the recent call made by the PKK’s founding leader to abolish its structure, as it is a step towards national peace and tranquility.

Bahceli condemns terrorism as a futile dream and calls for the Turkish-Kurdish brotherhood to reject violence and embrace unity. He urges all components of the separatist organization to comply with the call to dismantle their structures, as it will strengthen Türkiye’s power in the new century.

Bahceli warns against those who seek to undermine the steps towards peace and tranquility, referring to them as a subcontracted informal mentality that supports separatism and terrorism. He emphasizes the need to remain vigilant against provocations and interference from external forces seeking to disrupt Türkiye’s progress.

In conclusion, Bahceli urges all Turkish citizens to stand united against terrorism and work towards a peaceful and prosperous Türkiye. He calls on intellectual, hearty, and conscientious circles to support the nation in its fight against terrorism and to write a new chapter in Türkiye’s history. Bahceli extends his congratulations to the Turkish-Islamic world on the blessed month of Ramadan and emphasizes the importance of maintaining peace and unity in Türkiye.



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