
Balcony Collapse Prompts Demolition of Building in Istanbul Avcılar – News

The Collapse of a Balcony Building in Istanbul Leads to Panic

In a recent incident in Avcılar, Istanbul, a building with a collapsed balcony caused great panic among its residents. The sudden collapse of the balcony on the 6-storey building, which contained 36 flats, led to the evacuation of the residents due to concerns about the safety of the building.

During the inspection of the building, it was discovered that seashells and similar items were found in the concrete, leading to the decision to demolish the affected building. In addition, two other 4-storey buildings on the same site were examined by experts, who determined that there were no issues with these structures. However, due to the urban transformation plans in the area, the residents decided to demolish all three buildings and rebuild them.

The incident shed light on the dangers posed by “coffin buildings” in Istanbul, which are known for their unstable structures and potential threats to residents’ lives. This event serves as a reminder of the importance of enforcing building safety regulations and conducting thorough inspections to prevent similar tragedies in the future.



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