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Bekir Bozdağ Reflects on July 15th: People Power Over Tanks

Former Minister of Justice Bekir Bozdağ recently shared his experiences during the coup attempt by the Fetullah Terrorist Organization (FETO) on July 15, 2016. He spoke about the betrayal that occurred on that day and how the Turkish nation united against the coup attempt.

Bozdağ emphasized that FETO had committed treason upon the orders of foreign countries and circles it served, betraying Turkey in the process. He praised the Turkish nation for standing up against the coup attempt, defending democracy, law, the Constitution, and the unity of Turkey.

The former Minister highlighted the bravery of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who called citizens to the squares and refused to recognize any power above the power of the people. Bozdağ commended the Turkish people for their heroic resistance against the coup plotters, stating that they showed the world how the power of the people can defeat the power of tanks.

He pointed out the lack of recognition and support from Western countries during the coup attempt and criticized their failure to acknowledge the Turkish nation’s struggle for democracy and freedom.

Bozdağ also discussed the role of the judiciary during the coup attempt, praising the judges and prosecutors who defended democracy and the rule of law under challenging circumstances.

Regarding the fight against terrorist organizations, Bozdağ emphasized the importance of remaining vigilant and continuously combating groups like FETO, PKK, ISIS, and DHKP-C.

He also touched upon the extradition process of FETO leader Fetullah Gülen from the US, expressing disappointment in the lack of cooperation from the American authorities in extraditing him to Turkey.

Overall, Bozdağ’s reflections shed light on the events of July 15, 2016, and underscored the importance of unity, courage, and commitment to democracy in the face of adversity.



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