
Cause of Folkart Site Fire in Izmir Identified – Latest News from Turkey

Fire in Izmir Caused by Electrical Contact

In a recent update, it has been revealed that the fire that broke out in an 8-storey building on a 4-block site in the Yenikale district of Narlıdere on April 27, was caused by “electrical contact”. The accident resulted in the death of 3 dogs and 2 cats.

According to the report released by the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Fire Brigade Department, it was identified that the short circuit occurred in the energy supply line in the luminaire or cable shaft installed for lighting purposes between the 1st and 2nd floor, which set off the fire.

The short circuit first ignited the cable insulation, then the combustible dust, the insulating material mounted on the wall using mortar, the synthetic fiber, and the decorative wooden surface coating, resulting in the spread of the fire. The report also stated that the decorative wooden coating on the outside of the reinforced concrete and brick reinforcement of the building added to the intensity and speed of combustion.

It has been noted that the resulting air flow affects the rate of fire spread in combustible compounds released at high temperatures in wood. This factor was also responsible for the rapid spread of the fire from the starting point to other parts of the building.

The incident required multiple response teams such as the Provincial Police Department, AFAD, and UMKE teams. The people in the building were evacuated by the teams, and firefighting continued for 8 hours before the fire could be brought under control.

One of the 7 people who were affected by smoke inhalation was taken to the hospital, and the others received treatment on the scene.

The cause of the fire further highlights the need for regular inspection and maintenance of electrical installations in buildings, to avoid such occurrences in the future.



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