
Communications Director Altun: Truth Crisis Deepens

Presidential Communications Director Urges Action to Combat Digitalization Issues

During his speech at the 16th Annual Global Communication Association Conference on the Future of Communication, Presidential Communications Director Altun highlighted the increasing challenges posed by digitalization. The conference, hosted by the Global Communication Association at the İbrahim Üzümcü Conference Hall and organized by the Marmara University Faculty of Communication, focused on the promises and problems of the evolving communication landscape.

Altun emphasized the need to address the speed and intensity of digitalization, noting both its advantages and disadvantages. He stressed the importance of maximizing the positive aspects of digitalization while mitigating its negative impacts. Altun called for a communication ecosystem that prioritizes data security, holds social media and technology companies accountable to the law, and combats disinformation effectively.

The impact of global crises, such as armed conflicts, political upheavals, and natural disasters, has been magnified by digitalization, according to Altun. He highlighted the use of digital channels to manipulate public opinion and spread misinformation during these crises, leading to a crisis of truth that threatens societies worldwide.

Altun warned of a “Frankenstein Syndrome,” where humanity has become subservient to the technologies it has created. He urged for the development of effective policies and ethical codes to address challenges related to privacy, data security, and disinformation in the digital age.

The Director of Communications pointed out the existence of a strict hierarchy in the global communication scene, mirroring injustices in the international system. He criticized the media imperialism that dictates what content is highlighted and what is ignored, calling for a more just and equitable communication order.

Turkey, under the leadership of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, has taken a proactive stance in addressing these challenges in communication. Altun highlighted the establishment of the Presidential Directorate of Communications in 2018 as a step towards prioritizing communication as a strategic area. Turkey aims to lead in shaping the communication landscape, embracing technological advancements and promoting digital literacy.

Altun concluded by stressing the importance of investing in truth and justice in communication, calling for global cooperation to combat the crisis of truth. He emphasized the role of academia, communication professionals, and media practitioners in shaping a more transparent and accountable communication ecosystem.

The conference ended with a gift presentation to Yahya Kamalipour, demonstrating the commitment of participants to work towards a more just and truth-centered communication environment.


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