
Deputies Shape Religious State Policy

A new concept titled “Ensuring Citizens’ Freedom of Faith and the State Policy in the Religious Sphere” has been developed by a group of deputies from the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis. The draft law consists of 41 articles outlining 10 main tasks, 6 principles, and 3 priority areas for state policy in the religious sphere. The draft was adopted on January 31 in the first reading and will be open for public discussion.

Jahongir Shirinov, the leader of the group of deputies behind this concept, highlighted the importance of establishing clear guidelines in the religious sphere to prevent actions that could harm societal development and stability. He emphasized the need for a cohesive state policy to promote religious tolerance, uphold secularism, and prevent the spread of extremist ideologies within society.

The main tasks outlined in the draft law focus on ensuring equality before the law, respecting the traditions of Uzbekistan’s diverse population, promoting active civic participation, and preventing discrimination based on religious beliefs. The principles of legality, freedom of faith, separation of religion from the state, equality, free thinking, and interfaith dialogue are also central to the proposed state policy.

The concept identifies three priority areas for implementation, including guaranteeing freedom of faith for citizens, studying the scientific and cultural heritage of religions, and combating factors that threaten public security. By focusing on these areas, the draft law aims to promote interfaith harmony, support research on combating extremism, and prevent the misuse of religion for illegal and political purposes.

The development of the concept involved experts from various fields, including lawyers, historians, political scientists, and religious scholars, who studied experiences from other countries to inform the draft law. While some issues regarding misinterpretations and comments have been noted, these will be addressed in the second reading of the law.

The draft concept and the law for its approval have been adopted in the first reading, with plans to publish the document on the official website of the Legislative Chamber for public review. This initiative reflects Uzbekistan’s commitment to safeguarding citizens’ freedom of faith and promoting religious tolerance in society.



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