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Dicle Electric: Evidence Shows Fire was not Electrical in Nature

The investigation into the devastating land fire that occurred in Diyarbakır and Mardin, resulting in the tragic loss of 15 lives, is still ongoing. A team of experts is diligently working to compile a comprehensive report as part of the investigation led by the Çınar Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office.

Contrary to initial claims suggesting that the fire originated from electricity transmission lines, Dicle Electricity Joint Stock Company has come forward with compelling evidence to dispel this theory. The company has shared satellite images that clearly indicate the fire, which rapidly spread across a vast area, was actually ignited by stubble burning.

Moreover, the company has released photos demonstrating that there were no power lines present in the vicinity of the cemetery where the fire allegedly started. Additionally, thorough inspections carried out in the Köksalan District following the fire revealed no evidence of conductor breaks, pole falls, or low voltage faults.

All of this pertinent information and supporting documents have been diligently compiled and submitted to the prosecutor’s office for further review. The search for truth and justice in the wake of this tragic incident remains a top priority for all involved parties.


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