
Ekrem İmamoğlu’s Diploma Revoked – CNN Türk Breaking News

The Istanbul University has announced the cancellation of the diplomas of IMM President Ekrem İmamoğlu and 28 other individuals. This decision has sparked controversy and legal challenges as the process is still ongoing.

According to Hürriyet author Avdulkadir Selvi, Ekrem İmamoğlu attended Istanbul University’s Faculty of Business Administration in 1990. However, at that time, the university was not recognized by the Council of Higher Education. It was only after 93 years that the recognition was granted. Selvi mentioned that if the decision is not accepted by Ekrem İmamoğlu, he may appeal to the Constitutional Court.

The public announcement by Istanbul University stated that the decision to cancel the diplomas was based on investigations and reports from the Higher Education Supervisory Board. The investigation found that the horizontal transfer decisions made in 1990 were in violation of the university’s policies. As a result, the diplomas of 28 individuals, including Ekrem İmamoğlu, were revoked due to “absence” and “open error.”

In response to this decision, Ekrem İmamoğlu’s lawyer Mehmet Pehlivan argued that the university does not have the authority to cancel diplomas, as it is the faculty’s jurisdiction. He stated that the decision is invalid and may be challenged legally.

As the legal battle continues, the controversy surrounding the cancellation of diplomas raises questions about the authority of universities to revoke degrees and the implications for those affected. The outcome of this case will likely have significant implications for the individuals involved and the higher education system in Turkey.



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