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Falling of the second cemre into the water – Breaking News

Cemre: The Sign of Warmer Days Ahead

In many cultures around the world, including Central Asia, the Arab geography, China, and Greece, the arrival of the cemre is seen as a sign of warmer days to come. Cemre, which means “Fire”, “Kor”, or “embers”, is believed to fall one week apart in three stages, warming the air, water, and soil after the cold winter days.

The dates of the cemre falling are considered significant, with the first cemre falling into the air on February 19-20, the second into the water on 26-27 February, and the third into the soil on 5-6 March. As the cemre falls, it signifies the approaching of spring and the end of the cold winter season.

According to the Turkish Language Association, Cemre is defined as ‘the temperature rise in the air, water, and soil in February’. It is believed that as the cemre falls in the air, then in the water, and finally in the soil, it marks the beginning of a new season and the time for farming and animal husbandry activities to resume.

For those involved in animal husbandry, the cemre falling signifies the time for animals to be taken out to pasture after the cold winter days. Similarly, for those engaged in agriculture, the cemre falling into the soil indicates the start of the planting season.

As we welcome the cemre and the signs of spring it brings, let us look forward to the warmer days ahead and the new beginnings that come with the changing seasons.



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