
Far Right on the Rise: Political Turmoil in Portugal

Portugal’s Recent Election Results Show Political Deadlock

Portugal recently held elections that resulted in a political deadlock, with the main opposition Democratic Alliance (AD) and the ruling Socialist Party (PS) both falling short of a parliamentary majority. The far-right “Chega” party made significant gains, leading to uncertainty about the formation of a new government.

The AD won 79 seats in the 230-seat parliament, while the PS won 77 seats. Despite both parties failing to reach the majority of 116 seats, they have agreed to uphold their pre-election promises and prevent the far-right from gaining significant power in the government or opposition.

The PS, led by Pedro Nuno Santos, acknowledged the victory of the right-wing AD and expressed willingness to lead the opposition. The AD, led by Luis Montenegro, declared victory and stated they would not engage in dialogue with the far-right.

Political commentators highlight the challenge of passing legislation with the stark differences between the AD and PS, leading to a potential deadlock in decision-making. The possibility of a minority government led by the AD with external support from the PS is being discussed, but its long-term sustainability is uncertain.

The rise of the far-right “Chega” party, led by Andre Ventura, has added complexity to the political landscape. With a significant increase in parliamentary seats, Chega’s leader has expressed intentions to enter the government, emphasizing the end of the two-party era in Portugal.

The Portuguese press has commented on the country’s division and the rightward shift in politics, with concerns about the future government’s ability to effectively govern. The distribution of seats in the parliament includes AD with 79 seats, PS with 77 seats, Chega with 48 seats, and other smaller parties holding a total of 26 seats.

As Portugal grapples with a political deadlock following the elections, the formation of a new government remains uncertain. The country faces challenges in finding common ground between the major political parties and addressing the growing influence of the far-right.



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