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Ground Hazelnut Harvesting Advice – Latest News

Hazelnut producers in the Central and Eastern Black Sea region of Turkey are gearing up for the upcoming harvest season, which is set to begin in the first week of August along the coastal areas. In order to maximize the yield and quality of their product, authorities are advising producers to wait until the hazelnuts are fully ripe before picking them.

One initiative that has been instrumental in promoting best practices among hazelnut producers is the “Project to Increase Yield and Quality in Hazelnuts”, which was launched by the Trabzon Chamber of Commerce 11 years ago. Under this project, a campaign has been launched with the slogan “Pick hazelnuts from the ground, not from the branch”.

According to Eyyüp Ergan, the Chairman of the TTB, there are 64 thousand hectares of hazelnut plantations in Trabzon alone. He emphasized the importance of collecting hazelnuts from the ground in order to maintain high quality and productivity. Ergan stressed that hazelnuts should never be picked before they naturally fall to the ground, as this can result in a loss of yield and quality.

Atakan Akça, the President of the Altınordu Chamber of Agriculture in Ordu, highlighted the significance of following the advised harvesting dates to ensure a better yield and higher prices for the hazelnuts. Akça also offered tips to producers on how to reduce costs and improve quality, including the proper cleaning of gardens and collecting hazelnuts from the ground.

Studies conducted at the Hazelnut Research Institute in Giresun have shown that the ground harvesting method is more beneficial and advantageous. Harvesting from the ground not only results in a higher yield, but also preserves the quality of the product by allowing it to reach full maturity before collection.

In order to maintain the quality of the hazelnuts, producers are advised to collect the product from the ground as it naturally falls, and not to leave it on the ground for too long to prevent mold formation. By following these practices, hazelnut producers in the region can ensure a successful harvest season with high-quality products that fetch premium prices in the market.



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