
Invitation to the Fascinating World of Oriental Birds: Ashgabat Schoolchildren Explore Nature

To celebrate International Bird Day, the State Museum of Turkmenistan, in collaboration with the Youth Organization named after Magtymguly, organized competitions for students from secondary schools in Ashgabat in February. The event was dedicated to the theme of birds, with a special exhibition showcasing 18 species of birds through stuffed animals and photos of 14 species found in Turkmenistan.

Taking place on Wednesday, February 19, the exhibition at secondary school No. 53 in Ashgabat provided schoolchildren with insight into the history of the holiday, details about local bird species, and interesting facts about these feathered creatures. Following an informative session, a competition tested the students’ knowledge on bird species, historical information, and biological characteristics. The top 20 participants were rewarded with a visit to the State Museum’s exhibition hall, where they could explore the bird displays and compete in the second round.

International Bird Day, observed annually on April 1, aims to promote the conservation of bird species and their habitats. Birds play a crucial role in the ecosystem, and their disappearance can lead to environmental imbalances and potential catastrophes. The idea of International Bird Day was introduced by UNESCO, with various cultural institutions and libraries organizing activities such as exhibitions and drawing competitions to educate younger generations on environmental issues.

Embrace the importance of bird conservation and join in the global efforts to protect these magnificent creatures on International Bird Day.


Photo: orient.tm



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