Italian Filmmaker Giacomo Pedranzini Receives Atlas Award 2023 in Budapest
Italian Giacomo Pedranzini named Business Hero and receives Atlas Award 2023
The prestigious Atlas Award, established by ITL Group, has once again recognized an accomplished business hero who exemplifies an Ethical, Sustainable, and Creative (E.S.C.) approach. This year, on November 7th, Italian Giacomo Pedranzini was named the year’s Business Hero and received the Atlas Award 2023 prize.
The event, hosted by ITL Group at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, brought together 150 esteemed guests from Hungary’s business community for an immersive experience that blended thought-provoking discussions and speeches on the core themes of ethics, sustainability, and creativity.
Inspiring speakers were invited to share their knowledge on the main themes of ethics, sustainability, and creativity. Michele Orzan, President of EUCham, spoke about the ethics and integrity of the business world. Dr. Ervin László, philosopher and Nobel Peace Prize nominee, emphasized the importance of sustainability and leadership. Marco Veronese, phygital artist and creator of the Atlas Award sculpture, spoke about creativity and innovative thinking.
In addition to the main speakers, Andrea Szabó represented Bátor Tábor, for which a special fundraiser was created. The winner of last year, Dimitri Ljasuk, also sent a special video to congratulate this year’s candidates and winner.
The jury this year included multidisciplinary professionals with backgrounds in communication, art, ethics, sustainability, and creativity. A special mention was given to Albert Wettstein, a young entrepreneur well-known as the co-founder of the popular food rescue platform, Munch.
Giacomo Pedranzini, founder and CEO of Kometa 99 Zrt., was awarded the Atlas Award for his exemplary commitment to Ethics, Sustainability, and Creativity. Despite not being able to attend the event in person, Pedranzini’s wife, Sabrina Guidi, represented him via Zoom call.
He spoke about his new initiative, HonestFood, which focuses on ethical food production, fair distribution of value throughout the supply chain, and environmental responsibility. Pedranzini emphasized the importance of ethical values and the impact of the food industry on health and the environment.
The evening concluded with words of congratulations and a call to action for everyone to embrace and defend important values for a better world.
The Daily News Hungary was the official media partner at the ceremony of the Atlas Award. If you are interested in joining the Atlas World community and acting for a better world, you can find more information on their website.