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Jordan Partners with Friendly Countries to Airdrop Humanitarian Aid to North Gaza

Jordanian Army Conducts Large-Scale Aid Operation to Gaza

The Jordanian army recently conducted a massive aid operation to provide food and humanitarian assistance to the north of Gaza. According to a statement released on the official website of the Jordanian army, 8 planes participated in the operation, dropping much-needed aid in coordination with “friendly and brotherly” countries.

The statement revealed that the Jordanian Armed Forces utilized 3 C-130 type planes from the Royal Air Force, in addition to 3 US, 1 Egyptian, and 1 French planes to deliver the aid to Gaza. This operation marked the largest aid delivery to Gaza thus far, with aid being distributed to various locations in the north of the region.

Since Israel initiated its attacks on Gaza, a total of 28 air aid missions have been carried out, with 15 of them being conducted in collaboration with friendly countries. Due to Israel’s blockade on land aid access to Gaza, countries like Jordan, Egypt, and others have resorted to delivering humanitarian aid by air.

The efforts of the Jordanian army, along with other countries, serve as a crucial lifeline for the people of Gaza, who are facing dire humanitarian circumstances due to the ongoing conflict. This joint effort highlights the importance of international solidarity and support in times of crisis.



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