
Kazakhstani Mobilography Fest Winners Attend Short Course at New York Film Academy

Twenty winners of the Mob Fest recently had the opportunity of a lifetime to participate in a week-long course at the prestigious New York Film Academy (NYFA) in New York City. As reported by the President’s TV and Radio Complex on Jan. 29, the students were able to explore the world of filmmaking by taking on various roles such as screenwriter, director, camera operator, and performer.

The Mob Fest competition, organized by the Dara Presidential Initiatives Foundation with the support of the Presidential Administration, aimed to provide a platform for Kazakh creators to showcase their talent in mobilography. The competition attracted over 7,000 applicants aged 16 to 40, out of which only 100 reached the final stage. Ultimately, twenty winners were selected to attend the week-long course at NYFA.

During their time at the New York Film Academy, the Kazakh creators were immersed in the filmmaking process and had the opportunity to learn from one of the leading American universities specializing in film production and 3D animation. They gained valuable insights into directing, camera operation, filming, and editing, among other aspects of filmmaking.

Saparbek Zhaksylyk, one of the winners, expressed his gratitude for the enriching experience at NYFA and praised the quality of education and the dedication of the instructors. He described the exposure to high-level film technologies and working processes as instrumental in enhancing his interest in the profession.

The competition also awarded cash prizes to forty authors, while an additional forty applicants were offered the opportunity to participate in online courses. The success of the Mob Fest and the opportunity for Kazakh filmmakers to learn from NYFA highlights the growing interest and talent in the field of mobilography in Kazakhstan.

Overall, the experience at NYFA has been described as a dream come true for the winners, and they are grateful to the Dara fund for providing them with such a valuable opportunity. The knowledge and skills gained during their time at NYFA are sure to contribute to the further growth and development of the filmmaking industry in Kazakhstan.



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