
Kazakhstan’s Ideal Recipe for Renewable Energy Transition: Insights from ACWA Power’s Central Asia Leader

Kazakhstan’s Potential for Renewable Energy Explored by ACWA Power Official

Abundant wind and sun resources make Kazakhstan an ideal candidate for transitioning to renewable energy, according to Abid Malik, the Geo Head of Central Asia at ACWA Power. In a recent interview with The Astana Times during the QazaqGreenFest in Burabay, Malik highlighted the country’s potential to generate 760 gigawatts of wind power based on a study by the Asia Wind Energy Association.

Malik emphasized the importance of having efficient government tools in place to support the energy transition program and attract investors. He noted that while many countries possess resources for renewable energy, they often lack the necessary tools to attract investment. Malik stressed the need for broader support beyond investors, including lenders and government support, for successful implementation of renewable energy projects.

Speaking about the investment climate in Kazakhstan, Malik praised the favorable conditions and the enthusiasm of investors, including international financial institutions. He credited the government and business community for creating an investment-friendly environment that attracts investors, lenders, and international contractors.

Highlighting the agreement between Kazakhstan and Saudi Arabia to establish a one-gigawatt wind farm in the Zhetysu Region, Malik emphasized the project’s broader objectives in renewable energy, innovation, and combating climate change. The project aligns with Kazakhstan’s energy security priorities and commitment to carbon neutrality by 2060.

Malik detailed the potential benefits of the project, including regional industrial development, economic growth, infrastructure enhancement, and clean energy access. He highlighted ongoing studies at the project site to prepare for construction, aiming for commencement in the second half of 2025 and power generation by the latter half of 2028.

The project’s timeline is set for construction to last 36 months, with updates on the progress expected to be released in the full video interview on The Astana Times’ YouTube channel in June. Kazakhstan’s journey towards renewable energy is a testament to its commitment to sustainable development and environmental responsibility.



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