
Kremlin Claims to Identify Culprits of Crimean Bridge Attack

“Russian President Vladimir Putin Orders Repair of Crimean Bridge Following Terrorist Attack”

In a recent development, Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered the repair of the Crimean Bridge after it was subjected to a terrorist attack. This information was shared by Dmitriy Peskov, the spokesperson for the Russian President, during a press conference.

Peskov informed journalists that President Putin was briefed on the incident by Russian Deputy Prime Minister Marat Husnullin, as well as officials from Russian intelligence FSB and other relevant agencies. Following the briefing, President Putin connected to the scene in the evening to assess the situation on the bridge and conducted an online meeting to discuss the necessary actions.

According to Peskov, President Putin expressed his concern for the vehicles and citizens traveling to Crimea and instructed authorities to provide assistance. The President also emphasized the need to repair the bridge promptly.

Furthermore, Peskov highlighted that Russian institutions are actively working to counter the terrorist attacks initiated by Ukraine in various regions of Russia. He expressed deep sorrow over the loss of a young family, comprising a mother and father, who tragically lost their lives in the attack. Their daughter was injured on the Crimean Bridge.

Peskov firmly attributed this incident to the actions of the Kiev regime, holding them responsible for the tragedy. He stated that the Russian government, in collaboration with security agencies, will remain vigilant and work tirelessly to prevent the recurrence of such tragedies.

Regarding security measures, Peskov assured that additional measures are continually being implemented on the Crimean Bridge. He acknowledged that the peninsula is currently experiencing the tourism season, resulting in queues at the checkpoints. However, Peskov emphasized the significance of prioritizing security.

Highlighting their knowledge of the motives behind the attack, Peskov declared that they are aware of the identity of the individuals behind the terrorist act. He stressed the importance of exercising caution and implementing additional measures and investigations.

In response to a question about how Russia plans to address the attack, Peskov disclosed that they have received information support from the United States and European states. However, he also pointed out that Russia is well aware of the information constantly flowing to the Kiev regime from the North Atlantic Alliance and Washington, implying that they are not relying solely on external assistance.

President Putin’s prompt action in ordering the repair of the Crimean Bridge demonstrates his commitment to the safety and well-being of the citizens and visitors of Crimea. The incident serves as a reminder of the constant threat posed by acts of terrorism, and the Russian government’s determination to prevent such tragedies in the future.



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