
Myanmar Conflict Escalates with Police Seeking Refuge in Neighboring Country

Fourteen Myanmar border police officers have fled to Bangladesh amid the conflict between the military government and an anti-junta armed group, according to reports.

Bangladesh Minister of Internal Affairs Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal confirmed that the officers entered the country after escaping the ongoing conflict. Once in Bangladesh, the officers requested asylum and were subsequently detained. Efforts are now being made to repatriate them to Myanmar.

Kamal also mentioned that security at the border has been increased in response to the conflicts, stating that no unauthorized individuals will be permitted to cross into Bangladesh. Consequently, the return process for Rohingya refugees may experience delays.

In addition to the officers seeking refuge, a Bangladeshi border security official reported that border police have been disarmed.

The conflict in Myanmar began on October 27, 2023, when armed groups from the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army, Buddhist Arakan Army, and Ta’ang National Liberation Army launched coordinated attacks on the Myanmar army from the Shan state, near the Chinese border. The groups continued their advance, capturing a police station and a military camp in the town of Rathedaung in the Chin state, which borders India.

In the aftermath of the attacks, 43 Myanmar soldiers sought refuge in the Indian state of Mizoram after escaping from the Buddhist Arakan Army. Indian security forces transferred the soldiers to another location before repatriating them to Myanmar.

Furthermore, reports claim that the Buddhist Arakan Army has taken control of the town of Paletwa in Chin state, near the border with India. Tensions between armed groups and the military in Myanmar remain high as the conflict continues to unfold.


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