
New Price List: Istanbul Barber Services Increase to 2,000 Liras

Barber Prices in Istanbul Soar to 2,000 Liras in 2025

Changes in price tariffs have rocked various sectors in 2025, with significant increases seen in hairdresser and barber services, which are essential for many people. Şükrü Akyüz, President of the Istanbul Chamber of Men’s Barbers, Tradesmen, and Craftsmen, revealed the new wage tariff information to milliyet.com.tr. In response, Consumer Confederation President Aydın Ağaoğlu emphasized the importance of implementing the chamber’s determined tariff, stating that it is reasonable for barbers to adjust their prices in line with minimum wage increases. Consumers are urged to report establishments without price lists to the Ministry of Commerce and relevant authorities.

Akyüz explained that prices were updated in December, with a considerable 35-40 percent increase seen in 2025. He also clarified that there are three different price tariffs available, catering to various customer budgets and preferences. Services such as shaving can range from 300 TL to 2,000 TL, depending on factors like location, rent, products used, and quality of service.

The barber industry, like many others, faces rising costs, with rent being a significant expense. Despite the increase in prices, it is crucial for businesses to display official tariff lists for transparency and consumer protection. Ağaoğlu emphasized the need for consumers to report establishments without price lists to ensure fair and consistent pricing across the board.

In conclusion, the barber industry is experiencing significant changes in pricing, with luxury services costing up to 2,000 TL. Consumers are advised to be aware of price lists, choose establishments within their budget, and report any discrepancies to the relevant authorities to protect their rights as customers.



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