
New Title: Confirmation of the Two-State Solution Policy’s Effectiveness – BRTK

The President of the National Struggle Foundation, Aziz Gülbahar, has commented on the recent elections held for the European Parliament in Southern Cyprus. Gülbahar stated that the election results prove the validity and correctness of the steps and policies of Turkey and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus towards a two-state solution.

In a written statement, Gülbahar criticized the Greek Cypriots for disregarding the rights of Turkish Cypriots and supporting injustices. She highlighted the Greek Cypriots’ focus on fanaticism and Greek nationalism in the elections, which she believes demonstrates their reluctance to share on the basis of sovereign equality.

Gülbahar pointed out that the party that gained the most votes in Southern Cyprus was the Democratic Mobilization Party, DISI, known for its fascist ties. She also noted that only a small percentage of Turkish Cypriots residing in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus participated in the elections, indicating a shift in their preference towards their own state.

The results of the elections in Southern Cyprus have further reinforced the stance of Turkey and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus towards a two-state solution. Gülbahar urged all political parties in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus to acknowledge this reality and to refrain from promoting false hopes of establishing a partnership with the Greek Cypriots under a federation.

The message is clear: the Turkish Cypriots have reaffirmed their commitment to their own state and the pursuit of their rights and security within the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.



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