
Opposition Politicians in Serbia Stage Hunger Strike Over Election Fraud Allegations

Serbia: Politicians Begin Hunger Strike to Protest Elections

A 49-year-old Serbian politician, Marinika Tepic, has started a hunger strike, along with six other opposition politicians, in response to the parliamentary and local election results held on December 17 being called into question. The group is demanding that the election results be annulled due to alleged irregularities such as “vote buying” and “ballot box stuffing,” as reported by international observers including the Organization for Security Co-operation in Europe (OSCE).

Tepic, who has been only consuming liquids since starting the hunger strike on Saturday, stated, “Doctors are trying to protect my condition as much as possible. Because I will not give up until the fake elections are cancelled, election fraud is accepted, and the will of the people is upheld.” He also emphasized that his action aims to draw attention to election fraud, both nationally and internationally.

Meanwhile, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic’s party emerged victorious in the elections. However, claims of “immigrant voters” being brought into the country to vote have led to controversy, with Tepic and other opposition politicians accusing Vucic of being responsible for this alleged electoral manipulation. Vucic has vehemently denied these accusations and called on the hunger strikers to end their protest.

In the midst of the political turmoil, demonstrators attempted to rush the Belgrade City Council building, resulting in clashes with the police who deployed tear gas to disperse the crowds. President Vucic has assured citizens that law enforcement agencies are maintaining control over the situation, and he has urged everyone to refrain from participating in acts of violence.

Despite the tense atmosphere, Tepic remains resolute on continuing the hunger strike, stating, “I have not listened to Vucic’s words for a while or do not take them seriously. Because every time he opens his mouth, he breaks the law, lies, tries to gain time and manipulates. We have been living like this for the last 10 years.”

The situation remains fluid as the unraveling political tensions in Serbia continue to capture international attention.



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