
Orbán Cabinet Believes in “Cold Trade War” Amid Brussels’ Push for Geopolitical Blocs

Hungary’s ruling Fidesz-Christian Democrat alliance is taking a cautious approach to the return of geopolitical blocs, believing that getting entangled in these alliances could lead the country to be among the losers. According to the communication director of the alliance, Hungary has opted for economic neutrality in order to position itself among the winners in the ever-evolving global landscape.

Tamás Menczer, in a video posted on Facebook, highlighted the various crises that Europe is currently facing, emphasizing that the ability to adapt to the changing situation will determine who emerges as the winner in the future. He also criticized Brussels for trying to create a divide between Eastern and Western economies, leading to what he referred to as a “cold trade war”.

Menczer emphasized that Hungary’s best interest lies in staying out of these blocs and maintaining economic cooperation with all corners of the world. This neutrality, he believes, will help boost Hungary’s economic growth to 3-6 percent next year, enabling the government to provide support to small and medium-sized businesses, enhance family benefits, double family tax breaks, and implement various other measures.

The approach of economic neutrality is seen as a strategic move by the Hungarian government to navigate the uncertainties brought about by the global crises and changing geopolitical dynamics. By avoiding entanglement in bloc politics, Hungary aims to secure its position as a winner in the future economic landscape.



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