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Passenger Plane Collides with Flock of Flamingoes in India

Emirates Airlines Plane Crashes into Flock of Flamingos in Mumbai

In a tragic incident reported by Hindustan Times, an Emirates Airlines passenger plane crashed into a flock of flamingos in the Ghatkopar district of Mumbai. Authorities have confirmed that 36 flamingos lost their lives in the accident.

Despite the collision, the passenger plane managed to land safely with 310 passengers on board. The aircraft suffered only “slight damage” as a result of the impact with the birds.

An investigation into the incident is currently underway. Environmental experts have raised concerns about the power lines in the area, suggesting that they may have disoriented the birds and led to the unfortunate collision. It is believed that the presence of these power lines could have caused the flamingos to lose their direction, ultimately resulting in the accident.

As more details emerge from the investigation, it is clear that measures need to be taken to prevent similar incidents in the future. The loss of wildlife in such accidents is always a cause for concern, and steps must be taken to ensure the safety of both animals and passengers in the skies.



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