
Private Hospital in Istanbul Temporarily Shut Down: Breaking News from Turkey

A private hospital in Bakırköy, Istanbul has had its activities temporarily halted due to critical deficiencies in its operating room and intensive care unit. The Istanbul Provincial Health Directorate conducted routine inspections and found that the personnel in these crucial areas were not up to standard.

One major issue highlighted was the absence of both an anesthesia doctor and an anesthesia technician, which are essential for surgical procedures. It was discovered that the anesthesia doctor at the hospital was foreign and not licensed to practice in Turkey.

As a result of these findings, the hospital has been closed for a period of 6 months by the governor’s decision. If the deficiencies are not addressed within this timeframe, the hospital’s license may be suspended.

In addition to the staffing issues, complaints regarding the administration of anesthesia at the hospital have been noted in online reviews. It was also revealed that the hospital had recently changed ownership.

The temporary closure comes in the wake of a new regulation for private hospitals, which came into effect on January 30. This regulation allows for more scrutiny and inspections of private hospitals, with the possibility of stopping their activities if they pose a risk to patient health and safety.

As the hospital works to rectify the deficiencies and resume its operations, ensuring the highest standards of care and safety for patients will be of utmost importance.



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