
Private Minibus and Car Collide: 4 Injured, Including Baby – Latest News from Turkey

Accident in Hamidiye District: Several Injured but No Life Threats Reported

An unfortunate accident took place around 13.30 on Yeşilbarış Street in Hamidiye District. The incident involved a private public minibus driven by Fatih Y. (48) and a car driven by Nur Melek A. (27), who was coming from a side street. The collision resulted in injuries to the car driver as well as the passenger, Kader B. (43), and the passengers in the minibus, Şifanur A. (28) and her 7-month-old son Ali Zeyd A.

Fortunately, the injured individuals were quickly removed from the vehicles with the help of citizens and received first aid from the medical teams that were promptly summoned to the scene. It has been confirmed that there are no life-threatening injuries among the victims. They have been transported to İnegöl State Hospital by ambulance for further medical evaluation and treatment.

Authorities have launched an investigation to determine the circumstances that led to the accident. Meanwhile, it is important for everyone to exercise caution while driving and adhere to traffic rules to prevent such incidents in the future.

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