
Proportion of Russia Approving Admission of Central Asian Natives

New Survey Shows Changes in Social Attitudes Towards Different Nationalities

Bishkek – 15:34, 16 May 2024 – Levada-Center recently released the results of a new survey that sheds light on the evolving social attitudes towards people of different nationalities in Russia. The study reveals that events both within the country and around the world have a significant impact on the levels of social distance experienced by different ethnic groups.

According to the survey, the highest level of dislike is directed towards Roma, newcomers from Central Asian republics of the former Soviet Union, and Ukrainians, with a noticeable increase in hostility towards the latter group over the past two years. Despite a gradual increase in tolerance towards representatives of all nations over the past 22 years, there is still a prevailing opinion that limits should be placed on the inflow of migrants and that illegal migrants should be expelled from the country.

Interestingly, the study also highlights a significant social distance observed with regard to natives of Central Asia, with 56 percent of Russians expressing a reluctance to allow them into the Russian Federation. On the other hand, the smallest social distance is observed towards Jews and Chechens, with 37 percent and 26 percent willing to accept them into their close circles, respectively.

While there has been a gradual decline in dislike towards all the nationalities in question between 2018 and 2021, recent events such as the conflict with Ukraine and the West, the aggravation of the Arab-Israeli conflict, and incidents involving migrants have led to a worsened attitude towards Ukrainians, natives of Central Asian republics, and Jews. In contrast, the attitude towards Chechens, Chinese, and Africans has improved in recent years.

Experts attribute this shift in attitudes to events like the recent terrorist attack in Crocus City Hall, which has fueled hostility towards visitors from certain countries. As a result, only a small percentage of Russians are willing to welcome them into their inner circles or among Russian residents.

Overall, the survey underscores the fluidity of social attitudes towards different nationalities and the need for ongoing dialogue and understanding to promote inclusivity and harmony in society.


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