
Putin Announces No Changes to Russian General Staff

Russian President Vladimir Putin recently held a meeting in Moscow with top security and military officials, including newly appointed Defense Minister Andrey Belousov and Security Council Secretary Sergey Shoigu.

During the meeting, Putin emphasized the significance of Belousov’s appointment as Defense Minister, linking it to the increase in military expenditures. He highlighted that in the mid-1980s during the Soviet Union period, defense and security-related expenditures accounted for around 13 percent of the economy. However, by 2024, this percentage is expected to decrease to around 8 percent.

Putin stressed the importance of utilizing the considerable resources allocated to defense and security in a careful and efficient manner. He also praised Belousov for his understanding of balancing the defense and security bloc with Russia’s general economy.

In regards to the Russian General Staff, Putin reassured that there will be no changes to the management and structure overseeing combat operations. He emphasized the continuity and stability of the current system.

Notably, Belousov, who is known for his background in economics, attended the meeting in a suit rather than a military uniform, showcasing his expertise in financial matters within the defense sector.

Overall, Putin’s meeting with top security and army officials reflects Russia’s commitment to maintaining a strategic balance between defense needs and economic priorities under the leadership of newly appointed Defense Minister Andrey Belousov.


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