
‘Reasons Why Semester Break is Ideal for Circumcision’

The Benefits of Circumcision During Semester Break

Many parents consider the semester break as an ideal time for their child to undergo circumcision, and according to Pediatric Surgery Specialist, Opr. Dr. Ayşe Bahar Edirne, it is indeed a suitable time for this elective surgical procedure. Dr. Edirne emphasizes the importance of performing circumcision at an age when the child will experience the least distress and will not remember it, thus making the semester break a convenient time for this procedure.

Dr. Edirne also stresses the importance of having circumcision performed by a specialist physician in an operating room environment. This is to ensure a safe and risk-free process, as well as an infection-free recovery. Anesthesia methods recommended by Dr. Edirne include regional anesthesia before the age of 1 and sedation at older ages for patient comfort and safety.

It is also highlighted that the most suitable periods for circumcision are between 6 months and 3 years of age and between 5 and 7 years of age. Circumcision is not recommended during the period when sexual identity is formed between the ages of 3-5 due to potential psychological implications.

In addition to cultural and religious reasons, circumcision also has long-term health benefits such as ensuring the cleanliness of the tip of the penis and protecting against sexually transmitted diseases.

With all these considerations in mind, the semester break is indeed one of the most suitable times for circumcision. Parents who are considering circumcision for their child should consult with a specialist physician to ensure a safe and successful procedure.


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