
“Report Warns of 150K Irregular Migrants Planning to Cross Mexican Border into USA”

Around 150,000 irregular migrants waiting on the Mexican side of the US border will end up at the US customs gates with the repeal of Article 42. CNN reports that 60,000 irregular migrants in Chihuahua state, 35,000 in Tamaulipas state, and 25,000 in Coahuila state are included in this figure. It is estimated that hundreds of thousands of irregular migrants in Mexico’s south and Central America countries will be able to move north once Article 42 is repealed. With the increase in the number of irregular migrants, federal authorities are conducting an enforcement operation in El Paso targeting immigrants who cross the US-Mexico border and are not processed by the authorities.

Enrique Lucero, Director of Immigration Affairs in Mexico’s border city of Tijuana, stated that irregular migrants are determined to jump over the border wall or cross by swimming. Among the increasing number of irregular migrants in shelters, there are people from countries and nationalities that were not seen before, such as Mauritania, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan. The US Department of Homeland Security will deploy 1,500 troops to the country’s southern border on May 2 to support internal immigration authorities.

Article 42 was put into effect by the former President Donald Trump administration in the USA in 2020 due to the Kovid-19 epidemic. It was used to facilitate the deportation of irregular immigrants who demand humanitarian protection to Mexico by being rejected. The current Joe Biden administration was also decided to continue the practice with the promise of designing a “humane asylum system.” Republicans accuse the Biden administration of not taking adequate measures on issues such as illegal immigration, human and drug trafficking, while some Democrats accuse Biden’s new policies of being “anti-immigrant,” not to mention the Trump era. Naturalization experts suggest streamlining application processes and identifying integration needs to build a humane and comprehensive pathway to citizenship for immigrants seeking long-term residence in the US.



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