
Reporters Without Borders Calls for Action Against Kloop’s Liquidation

Reporters Without Borders urges to take action against liquidation of Kloop

The international organization Reporters Without Borders (RSF) is calling on the Media Freedom Coalition to take action against the liquidation of Kloop Media in Kyrgyzstan. This statement was made on February 10, 2024. This call to action comes in response to the Oktyabrsky District Court ruling to shut down Kloop Media Public Foundation, one of the legal entities of Kloop, on February 9.

RSF is urging the international community to support the media outlet and take a stand against the violation of press freedom. Kloop has been an important and independent source of news and information in Kyrgyzstan, and its closure would represent a significant blow to media freedom in the country.

It is important to recognize the vital role that independent media plays in promoting transparency, accountability, and democracy in any society. The closure of Kloop Media would not only silence an important voice in Kyrgyzstan but also set a dangerous precedent for the suppression of press freedom in the country.

The Media Freedom Coalition has the opportunity and the responsibility to demonstrate its commitment to defending press freedom by taking a firm stance against the liquidation of Kloop Media. The international community must work together to support independent media outlets and ensure that journalists can continue to report freely and without fear of reprisal.

The attempted shutdown of Kloop Media is a stark reminder of the challenges that independent journalists and media organizations face around the world. It is crucial to stand in solidarity with those who are fighting for press freedom and to hold governments and authorities accountable for their actions that threaten the free press.



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