
Car Recovered from Namangan Canal after Six Days

A Car Recovered from Canal in Namangan Region

A dramatic incident occurred in the Namangan region on February 3 when a Nexia-2 car fell into a canal. The driver of the car was attempting to cross from Mingbulak district to Tuda village in the Pop district using a ferry. Unfortunately, due to inexperience, the car ended up in the canal.

Thankfully, no one was injured in the incident as the passengers managed to exit the car before it was carried away by water currents. A search operation lasting six days was conducted before the car was finally retrieved from a depth of 8 meters on February 9 with the help of local residents.

While this was a frightening and unexpected event, it is fortunate that all passengers emerged from the ordeal unharmed. The recovery of the car marks the end of a challenging and potentially dangerous situation, and serves as a reminder of the importance of caution and experience when navigating unfamiliar terrain.



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