
Revitalizing the Marine Ecosystem in the Gulf of Göcek

Seagrass Meadows Renewed in the Gulf of Göcek, Turkey

Seagrass meadows, often referred to as ‘sea noodles’, are essential for the marine ecosystem. However, these delicate habitats are under threat from coastal development, tourism, and fishing activities. In response to this, efforts have been made to protect and restore seagrass meadows, which act as the lungs of the seas by providing oxygen.

The Ministry of Environment, Urbanization, and Climate Change, in collaboration with Dokuz Eylül University and GISBİR, has launched the ‘Determination, Mapping, and Transplantation of Seagrass Distributions Project’. This project aims to ensure the survival of seagrass meadows in the Mediterranean, where they are an endemic species. Using sonar devices and drones, 27 points for potential seagrass planting were identified around Fethiye. The first seagrass planting took place in Fethiye’s Göcek Bay as part of this project.

The planting event was attended by officials from the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization, and Climate Change, as well as representatives from GISBİR and Dokuz Eylül University. Dr. Barış Akçalı, a lecturer at the Marine Sciences and Technology Institute, emphasized the importance of protecting seagrass meadows, stating that while planting is crucial, conservation is the top priority.

Seagrass meadows are known to produce 10 times more oxygen per hour than forests, making them vital for maintaining the marine ecosystem. The project to protect them will not only leave a lasting impact on environmental protection efforts in Turkey but also inspire similar initiatives around the world.

The next step in the project involves planting 10 thousand seagrass plants in the Fethiye-Göcek Special Environmental Protection Area. This ambitious undertaking is expected to have a significant positive impact on the sustainability of the marine ecosystem in the region.



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