
Sharp Decline in Registrations, Only 894,279 Applicants

The number of applicants for entrance exams for higher and professional educational institutions for the 2024-2025 academic year has significantly decreased compared to previous years. According to the Agency for the Assessment of Knowledge and Skills, a total of 894,279 applicants have registered to participate in the exams.

The distribution of applicants by region is as follows:
– Republic of Karakalpakstan: 45,655 applicants
– Andijan region: 67,688 applicants
– Bukhara region: 45,583 applicants
– Fergana region: 83,837 applicants
– And other regions with varying numbers of applicants.

The number of applicants includes both current year graduates and previous years’ graduates, with 410,334 and 483,945 applicants respectively. In terms of gender, there are 431,806 male applicants and 462,473 female applicants.

The majority of applicants, 784,458, have chosen Uzbek as their language of instruction, followed by 84,774 applicants for Russian, 22,534 for Karakalpak, and 2,513 for other languages.

Applicants are reminded to make the required payment for participation in the entrance exams by June 26. It is expected that the final numbers may change after the payment deadline.

In comparison, there were 1,018,000 applicants for the 2023-24 academic year and 1,214,000 applicants for the 2022-23 academic year. The decrease in the number of applicants for the current academic year raises questions about the potential reasons behind this decline.


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