
Statistics Committee Reports January Tourism Data of Citizens

Over Half a Million Citizens of Uzbekistan Traveled Abroad in January 2025

In January 2025, more than half a million citizens of Uzbekistan traveled abroad, with tourism being a significant driving factor, as per data released by the National Statistics Committee.

According to the figures, a total of 551,300 people left the country during the month, showcasing a noteworthy increase compared to the same period last year.

This year’s January total exhibits a surge of 82,900 travelers, marking a 17.7% rise from January 2024, indicating a growing trend of international travel among Uzbeks. Out of those who traveled, the majority, amounting to 425,839, did so to visit relatives, a traditional practice in the region. However, tourism also emerged as a popular choice, with 117,199 citizens embarking on leisure trips.

Apart from visiting relatives or tourism, some citizens traveled for medical treatment, with 4,206 individuals seeking medical care abroad. Additionally, 2,975 people pursued studies abroad for educational purposes. Business-related trips were less common, with only 1,060 citizens traveling for work.

The data reflects a diverse array of travel purposes among citizens of Uzbekistan, showcasing a blend of familial, leisure, medical, educational, and business-related reasons for international travel.



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