
Sudanese General: Military Forces Ready to Liberate the Capital

Sudan’s Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Army, General Shamseddin Kebbashi, has rallied the troops in the 18th Infantry Division in Kosti city of White Nile state, expressing confidence that victory is within reach. He also expressed gratitude to the citizens for their unwavering support of the army.

General Kebbashi emphasized that the army is working to end the rebellion at a steady pace while extending an olive branch to those who seek negotiations. He made it clear that the rapid support forces (HDK) must withdraw from civilian and public areas as a precondition for their participation in the Jeddah Peace Negotiations led by Saudi Arabia.

“The army will not back down. The army will not forgive those who violate the honor of the Sudanese people, usurp their property, and threaten the security and stability of the citizens,” he affirmed.

Furthermore, General Kebbashi urged politicians to seek solutions within the country rather than seeking external assistance.

Sudan has been embroiled in deadly clashes between the army, under the leadership of General Abdulfettah al-Burhan, and the Rapid Support Forces (HDK) since mid-April 2023. The HDK and the army seized power after the popular uprising in December 2018, forming a government with civilian participation after the ousting of President Omar al-Bashir in April 2019. However, they staged a coup against the civilian government in 2021, leading to the outbreak of civil war in mid-April.

The conflicts in Sudan have resulted in more than 13,000 fatalities, with 6 million people displaced within the country and 1.7 million fleeing to neighboring nations, making it the world’s largest displacement crisis, according to the UN.



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