
Sur Municipality Launches Investigation into Insulting Remarks After Arms Ceremony

The Diyarbakır Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office has initiated an investigation into the crimes of “publicly insulting the memory of Atatürk” and “insulting the President” following derogatory remarks made towards the photographs of Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in the office after the certificate of election ceremony in Sur Municipality.

Minister of Internal Affairs Ali Yerlikaya has confirmed that a civil inspector has been assigned to investigate the insulting comments made by DEM Party executives towards the photos of Atatürk and President Erdoğan. In a statement on his social media account, Minister Yerlikaya emphasized the importance of respecting the symbols of the Republic and the current President, promising action against those who show disrespect.

Additionally, Minister Yerlikaya announced that an inspector has been appointed to look into allegations that the National Anthem was not sung and the Turkish flag was not raised during the initial meetings of Mardin and Diyarbakır Metropolitan Municipalities. This move reflects the government’s commitment to upholding national symbols and values, and ensuring that proper respect is shown in all official settings.

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