
Three Months Later: Martyr Osman Oktay’s Family Receives Bitter News of His Wedding

Infantry Specialist Sergeant Osman Oktay was killed while on duty, leaving his family devastated by the tragic news. Oktay’s mother Hori Oktay and his brothers, who reside in Kocakapı neighborhood of Konak district, received the heartbreaking news from officials.

The family members were overcome with grief as they received the news, and Turkish flags were hung outside the martyr’s home as a sign of respect. It was revealed that Oktay was one of 11 brothers, with 6 of them also serving in the Turkish Armed Forces for 7 years.

Oktay, who was serving at the Edremit 10th Commando Brigade, had been temporarily stationed at the Syrian border. His father, Hasan Oktay, had passed away 10 years ago, leaving behind his sons to serve their country with honor.

One of Oktay’s brothers, Mustafa Oktay (36), expressed his sorrow by saying, “He had been carrying out his sacred duty for 7 years in various locations, including Gambia and Balıkesir Edremit. He was engaged and had plans to get married in May, but unfortunately, that day will never come. May his martyrdom be accepted by the grace of God. We trust that the armed forces will fulfill their duties and that his sacrifice will not be in vain. We thank our homeland for everything.”

The news of Oktay’s martyrdom serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made by many brave soldiers in defense of their country. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Oktay family during this difficult time.



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