
Tragic Mudflows in Nookat Claim Ten Lives

Local Residents Discover Body of Boy in Abshyr-Sai River

On July 2, 2024, residents in the Nookat district made a tragic discovery when they found the body of a young boy in the Abshyr-Sai river. The Ministry of Emergency Situations of Kyrgyzstan confirmed the incident and the body has been handed over to the police for further investigation.

Unfortunately, this discovery is part of a larger tragedy as a total of ten people have lost their lives due to destructive mudflows in the region. The recent mudflows have caused widespread devastation, leading to the flooding of courtyards, damage to bridges, roads, and power lines, and tragic loss of life.

The mudflows in Nookat district occurred on June 28, prompting an emergency situation to be declared in the area. In addition to this incident, on June 30, four members of the same family tragically lost their lives during a mudflow in Kara-Kuldzha district of Osh region.

The community is mourning the loss of these individuals and efforts are underway to support those affected by the natural disaster. It is a stark reminder of the unpredictable and devastating impact that natural disasters can have on communities, emphasizing the importance of preparedness and response measures in the face of such events.


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