
Turkish Parliament Committee Attends TURKPA Defense Commission Meeting

Yasemi Öztürk, President of the Law, Political Affairs, and Foreign Relations Committee of the Assembly of the Republic, recently attended the “1st Meeting of the Presidents of the National Defense Commission of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Turkish States (TURKPA)” along with Deputy Chairman Ongun Talat and Committee Member Hasan Küçük.

During the meeting, Öztürk highlighted the challenges faced by the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus due to political and economic embargoes, emphasizing the crucial support provided by the Republic of Turkey. He stressed the importance of unity within the Turkish world family to combat unfair embargoes and isolations imposed on the TRNC.

Reflecting on the history of Turkish Cypriots, Öztürk acknowledged the struggles they have endured to maintain their existence on the island. He credited the intervention of Turkey in the Peace Operation of 1974 for establishing the TRNC as a Turkish state and ensuring security in the region.

Öztürk also addressed the imbalance in defense expenditures between Southern Cyprus and the TRNC, pointing out the alliances Southern Cyprus has made with countries like the USA and Israel. He emphasized the need for solidarity and cooperation among Turkish states to defend their homeland effectively.

Looking ahead, Öztürk expressed the committee’s commitment to fulfilling their duties within TURKPA and participating in future events to enhance solidarity and cooperation. He called for a unified voice among Turkish states to address global challenges and safeguard their interests.



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