
Turkmenistan to Host Student Cyber Quest

The Turkmen Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering is set to host a hakaton for students of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, as reported by “Turkmenistan: The Golden Age.” The technological competition, “CyberQuest,” will take place on March 18-19 in a team format, with groups of three students from different educational institutions invited to participate. Applications can be submitted via email to tdbgi.hakaton@gmail.com until March 1.

CyberQuest is a two-day technomarathon aimed at identifying experts in modern technologies capable of creating digital solutions that are relevant to the current times. The “quest” also seeks to train highly qualified experts in the field of information technology and support the scientific initiatives of the country’s student youth.

This competition provides an opportunity for students to showcase their skills and creativity in the digital realm, while also promoting the development of technological expertise in Turkmenistan. It serves as a platform for the next generation of innovators to contribute to the advancement of the country’s technological landscape.

The event is expected to be a valuable learning experience for all participants, fostering collaboration and teamwork among students from various educational institutions. CyberQuest aims to support and encourage the growth of talent in the field of information technology, ultimately contributing to the technological advancement of Turkmenistan.

This hakaton presents an exciting opportunity for students to demonstrate their proficiency in modern technologies and make a meaningful contribution to the digital future of Turkmenistan.



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