
US Government and Texas Locked in Border Jurisdiction Dispute

The Texas National Guard Continues Vigilance at the Border

Amidst ongoing disputes over border security, the Texas National Guard has continued its vigilance at the border area in Eagle Pass. Governor Abbott’s directive has led to the deployment of the National Guard to the preferred crossing area for irregular immigrants entering the USA.

Despite being technically part of the US army, the National Guardsmen have been receiving direct orders from the Governor of Texas. Their main objective is to prevent irregular immigrants from crossing the Rio Grande River in the Shelby Park area, where they have denied entry to federal army troops.

The Department of Homeland Security has sought access to the region, but the state of Texas has not shown any indication of complying with the court decision to transfer border security to the federal army. The guards have remained on duty along the riverbanks, even using a generator to illuminate the US bank of the river after dark.

The ongoing dispute between Texas Governor Abbott and President Joe Biden has escalated following a US Supreme Court decision to remove barbed wires along the border. Despite the court order, the Texas National Guard has continued to install barbed wire, with the support of governors from 25 Republican states.

The actions and decisions of the Texas officials have raised questions about the next steps the Washington administration will take to resolve the border authority dispute. As the situation continues to unfold, the role of the National Guard in border security remains a contentious issue.



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