
US Sends 8 Tons of Food Aid to Gaza

US Central Command (CENTCOM) and the Royal Jordanian Air Force recently joined forces to provide much-needed air assistance to civilians in the north of Gaza. In a coordinated effort, the two air forces conducted an airborne humanitarian aid drop operation aimed at helping those affected by the ongoing conflicts in the region.

The operation took place at 11.58 local time in Gaza, with food aid being provided by Jordan and airdropped by parachute from a US Air Force C-130 aircraft. The aid package included over 8 tons of essential supplies such as rice, flour, milk, pasta, and canned goods, all intended to alleviate the suffering of those in need.

This is not the first time that CENTCOM has acted to provide emergency humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip. In a previous announcement, the organization highlighted its commitment to supporting those impacted by the conflicts in the region, showcasing its partnership with the Royal Jordanian Air Force in delivering aid to those most in need.

The joint operation between CENTCOM and the Royal Jordanian Air Force demonstrates the continued dedication of both organizations to providing assistance to vulnerable populations in conflict zones. Through these collaborative efforts, essential aid can reach those who need it most, offering hope and relief in the midst of turmoil.



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