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The United Nations Security Council has approved a US proposal for a ceasefire in Gaza, marking a significant step towards ending the conflict in the region. The resolution includes provisions for a complete ceasefire, the release of hostages by Hamas, the delivery of bodies of individuals who lost their lives, and the release of Palestinian prisoners.

With 14 out of 15 Security Council members voting in favor of the draft resolution and Russia abstaining, the decision called on Israel to accept the offer and urged Hamas to do the same swiftly.

The ceasefire plan is set to unfold in three stages, starting with a short-term ceasefire involving hostage and prisoner exchanges. This will be followed by a permanent cessation of hostilities and the withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza. The final stage will focus on the reconstruction of Gaza, which suffered extensive damage during the conflict.

The US, which has previously vetoed several ceasefire proposals at the UNSC, has endorsed this initiative for the first time. President Joe Biden emphasized that Hamas now has the opportunity to demonstrate its commitment to peace by accepting the ceasefire offer.

Meanwhile, Russia’s decision to abstain from the vote was due to its belief that the resolution had support from the Arab world. Hamas has expressed satisfaction with the acceptance of the ceasefire bill and has given the green light to begin negotiations.

Turkey has welcomed the UNSC decision as an important step towards peace in the region and emphasized the need for Israel to adhere to the terms of the ceasefire. The EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy has also called for the immediate implementation of the resolution.

With all parties now on board with the ceasefire plan, there is hope that an end to the violence in Gaza can be achieved swiftly and that the region can begin to rebuild and move towards a lasting peace.



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