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Escapee from Kırıkkale Hospital Caught

Ömer Faruk B. escaped from the hospital during his treatment

Ömer Faruk B. who was serving a prison sentence of 20 years, 2 months and 15 days in Delice Closed and Open Penal Institution for 4 separate crimes, was referred to Kırıkkale University Medical Faculty Hospital on January 29th due to illness.

After receiving treatment, the convict managed to escape from the hospital while wearing his surgical clothes. However, the Yahşihan District Police Department quickly apprehended him in the district center the following morning. Upon apprehension, Ömer Faruk B. was promptly delivered back to the prison after proper procedures at the police station.

Security camera footage captured the moments when Ömer Faruk B. fled from the hospital, demonstrating his escape from the medical facility.

The incident raises questions about security measures in prisons and highlights the need for more rigorous monitoring of high-risk inmates during hospital visits.



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