
Establishment of Interdepartmental Commission for Turkmenistan’s Foreign Economic Development

A new Interdepartmental Commission for the development of foreign economic activity and strengthening of international partnerships has been established in Turkmenistan. The President of Turkmenistan has signed a resolution to create this important instrument for promoting cooperation with international and regional institutions.

The decision to form the commission aligns with the ambitious goals set out in key national strategic documents and programs. The primary objective of the new structure is to enhance partnership with international and regional organizations to further expand and diversify Turkmenistan’s foreign economic activities, which is a key priority of the state policy.

The Interdepartmental Commission will be responsible for developing specific draft documents aimed at fostering collaboration with international economic organizations and leading financial institutions worldwide, according to the TDH report.

Furthermore, the Presidential Resolution has approved the composition of the Interdepartmental Commission and the regulations for its operation. This provides a solid organizational structure and legal framework for the effective functioning of the commission.

The establishment of the Interdepartmental Commission marks a significant step towards achieving Turkmenistan’s strategic objectives of strengthening its position in the global economic system, driving economic growth, and bolstering the country’s international standing.

By setting up this commission, Turkmenistan is demonstrating its commitment to advancing its foreign economic activities and forging stronger partnerships on the global stage.


Photo: orient.tm



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