
First Lady Erdogan’s Diplomatic Visit to Nigeria – Latest World News

First Lady Emine Erdoğan Visits Nigeria to Promote Cancer Awareness and Support Programs

First Lady Emine Erdoğan of Turkey recently visited Nigeria where she was welcomed at Abuja Airport by Nigerian Minister of State for Police Affairs İmaan Suleiman İbrahim and Turkey’s Ambassador to Abuja Hidayet Bayraktar and his wife. Upon her arrival, First Lady Erdoğan met with Remi Tinubu, wife of Nigerian President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, in Abuja.

During their meeting, Tinubu expressed his satisfaction with accepting First Lady Erdogan’s invitation and coming to Abuja as the guest of honor of the program. Tinubu also shared information about the African Leader Spouses Organization for Development held the day before and expressed gratitude for hosting her during his visit to Turkey last month.

First Lady Erdoğan later visited the Yunus Emre Institute in Abuja where she opened the Nigerian Women Artists Union Exhibition. She was joined by Health Minister Fahrettin Koca and African children as she cut the opening ribbon and examined works by women painters. Erdoğan also met with Nigerian children learning Turkish at the institute and enjoyed a flute concert performed by Nigerian students, including the piece “Katibim”.

The visit was in preparation for the “Anti-Cancer Awareness Raising and Support Program of African Countries Members of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation” where First Lady Erdoğan will address participants as the guest of honor at the opening session. In a message on her social media account, Erdoğan expressed her gratitude to Oluremi Tinubu for leading the important issue of cancer awareness in Africa and hopes for beneficial results from the summit.

First Lady Erdoğan concluded her message by stating, “I believe that awareness will increase with the strength and unity of hearts. Together, we can make a difference in the fight against cancer in Africa and around the world.”


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